Who's in for tuning?

  • I also think that the 90 BHP is barely enough for the Corsa D (petrol).
    I'll wait till the warranty period has ended, but I will probably change the
    exhaust and/or the airfilter system before because those are not so
    dramatic changes and will not affect the warranty (but I'm going to ask
    my dealer first, just to be sure).

  • i´ve talked a couple of weeks ago with m-tech via email about the chip tuning and as far as i can remember , they said that there should not be any trouble with the warranty.
    they also told be that the whole putting in and test drive and all that stuff just takes two hours and will end up at around 102hp a plus of 15nm and 5-8 kmh to the topspeed.

    im seroiusly thinking about the chip. they said they have a partner in Fulda who iis doing the chip think for 395 including the installation.

    i had the "short-shift" in my old car and i was happy with it , so i guess in the new car there has to be one to someday ;)

  • Hi Turborolf,
    hab Deinen Beitrag zum Chiptuning gelesen.
    Haste schon was gemacht?? 90 auf 102 PS hört sich gut an.
    Aber wegen der Garantie habe ich da meine Zweifel...
    Kann man das Tuningteil auch bestellen und beim FOH einbauen lassen?? Oder ist das keine gute Idee...??
    P.S.: Geht das echt für Benziner?? Hast Du doch, oder?

  • Hi Insaniac,

    I am!!

    But I have my doubts about the warranty - and I have no idea who does the chiptuning. It shouldn´t be very far.
    Have you done the tuning already??
    And it seems to be very expensive, isn´t it?? I am not sure yet what
    to do... ?( ?(

  • I haven't done any tuning yet, I'll wait a bit longer for the engine to
    settle in or maybe I'll leave the engine as standard.

    If you just want a little bit more power, the chip is an easy way to
    achieve this. The Mtech chip is cheaper than the one from Dbilas and
    gives more PS, but keep in mind that every engine is slighty different
    from each other and will give different results on the PS. You may get
    a bit more but it's also possible you will get a bit less.

    Best thing to do is wait for the warranty to end, this way you won't
    have problems with your dealer. On the other hand, Mtech claims that
    the dealer can't see that your car has been chiptuned.

  • nein habs noch net drine :( kommt aber noch....
    zuerst kommen nächste woche die felgen wenn ich mich den mal entlich enscheidne würde.

    also laut m-tech gibts dieverse partner von denen hier in deutschland die dir das teil einbauen können, sie sagen 2h dauert das ganze .
    wie es jedoch mit einem einbau beim foh aussieht weiss ich nicht.

    ja also ich weiss net, garantie ich würde mal sagen solange das reversible ist sollte das kein problem sein, und so sagte mit ja m-tech das es dies wäre.

    was heisst.... haste probs... m-tech fahren...chip raus..... foh fahren, garantie geltend machen ^^

    so sehe ich das ^^

    andere sache das flowtec.... is schon was feines, aber ich weiss net, ich würde da ganz anderst anfangen an dem motor:

    andere nocke
    zk bearbeiten lassen
    motorsteuerung anpassen
    gruppe a

    so und dann würde ich im nächsten schritt auf flowtec gehen

    is meine meinung

    steigerung des ganzen.... tubo umbaue oder z20let oder z20leh einbauen ^^ :lol: