Umfage Liefertermin des Corsa D

  • By the way, I'd like to ask about something :

    I'm not sure 100% but I think, Turkey, like some other countries, gets Corsas from Zaragoza, not Eisenach.

    I'm trying to guess about the factors which may have some effect on the delivery date.

    Does anybody here know when & how long Zaragoza plant closes for summer holiday ? July ? August ?


    Corsa 1.4 Sport, 5-türig, Magmarot, Schaltgetriebe
    Panoramaschiebedach, ESP, 17" stern-design felgen, ContiSportContact3 215/45 reifen

    Nachrüstung : Tempomat, Bordcomputer, Sitzheizung, HSA, DDS, Solar Reflect windschutzscheibe, Solar Protect getönt glas im rückseite, dunkel getönt rückleuchten, OPC-Line bodykit, OPC-Line interieur-paket, AFL, Touch & Connect

  • Hi Serdar,

    as I know the location where your car will be build is depending on how many doors your car will have:

    3 doors ==> Eisenach

    5 doors ==> Zaragoza

    The production time depends (as I was told) on the supplementary features your car include.

    A standard CORSA is build quicker than a car with a glass roof for example...

    But, good luck to you.



  • Thank you very much for the info.

    Today I talked to my sales rep.
    She checked the status of my order and told me that my car is scheduled to get on the ship on third week of July, if everything goes well. Also she seemed positive about the delivery on first week of August.

    I'd like to be as hopeful as her, but the cruise from Spain to Izmir would take a week-or-so, docking & unloading a couple of days, customs procedures at least a week, then land transport to Istanbul a day...

    Anything can go wrong at any of these steps, and unfortunately, something always does go wrong here in my country...

    Anyway, I'll stop thinking negative :rolleyes:

    Corsa 1.4 Sport, 5-türig, Magmarot, Schaltgetriebe
    Panoramaschiebedach, ESP, 17" stern-design felgen, ContiSportContact3 215/45 reifen

    Nachrüstung : Tempomat, Bordcomputer, Sitzheizung, HSA, DDS, Solar Reflect windschutzscheibe, Solar Protect getönt glas im rückseite, dunkel getönt rückleuchten, OPC-Line bodykit, OPC-Line interieur-paket, AFL, Touch & Connect

  • Zitat

    Original von saytamaner
    Does anybody here know when & how long Zaragoza plant closes for summer holiday ? July ? August ?

    Both plants (Eisenach and Zaragoza) are closed from the 30. of july up to the 17. of august.

  • Nicht unbedingt, s. OPC....;o)

  • Zitat

    Original von thomas56
    meines Wissens nach, beginnen die Werksferien in Eisenach ab dem 13. Juli (wenn wir unsere Besichtigung dort hinter uns haben :tongue: :tongue: )

    Werksferienübersicht Adam Opel GmbH:
    7. Aktuelle Hinweise

    Werksferien 2007

    Produktionswerk Werksferien ab Werksferien bis
    Antwerpen 20.07. 15.08.
    Bochum 16.07. 27.07.
    Ellesmere Port 23.07. 10.08.
    Gliwice 23.07. 03.08.
    Zaragoza 30.07. 17.08.
    Eisenach 30.07. 17.08.
    Heuliez 27.07. 20.08.
    Rüsselsheim 16.07. 10.08.
    Luton 23.07. 10.08.
    Barcelona 30.07. 18.08.
    Batilly 23.07. 17.08.

  • Dann werde ich ja wenigstens einmal im Leben richtiges Glück haben?!

    Laut Aussage meines Händlers soll mein Corsa bis zum ~24. Juli fertig sein.

